My gingerbread is the best

The countdown has started. Are you in christmas mood already? Well, I am. As you may know I work as a teacher and we’re already preparing for christmas. If it’s way too early? Well, not for me. The kids are excited and seeing this is just so cute, so I get excited too. So before I’m talking too much about christmas excitement, here’s a recipe I want to share with you since forever, because well – food is love. I don’t want to seem arrogant, but I heard that my gingerbread is said to be very good.. so here’s the recipe:  (mehr …)

Dear body, I’m sorry for what I did to you

For a long time I was my own enemy. I’ve worked against myself instead of working for myself. Sometimes I gave my body too little food and sometimes I gave him too much unhealthy food. I’ve pinched and hit him in the hope the affected area of my body would finally have changed.. I’ve forced him to do many hours of fitness everyday and I gave him too little sleep. I never listened to his body signals he gave me. I wanted to suppress hunger, fatigue and all those dizzy spells I had from time to time. I wanted to suppress every tear in order to be strong. Strong and disciplined for a society who is dominated by a certain beauty standard. Yes, it’s not easy to me to write all those things and to open my soul in front of you right now. But you know what? I don’t blame myself for this anymore. It’s the truth and I know that so many girls and boys out there can relate.. Well, here’s my apologetic letter to my body: (mehr …)

Brunch: Zur Werkstatt Luzern

Mit keinem macht Essen mehr Spass als mit meiner Mama. Sie hat mir gezeigt, dass es wichtig ist, die Sachen aufzuessen, da es viele Menschen gibt, die dieses Glück nicht haben. Sie hat mir auch gezeigt, was leckeres Essen ist, denn sie selbst kocht einfach zu gut! Als ich also zum Brunch eingeladen worden bin, habe ich sie mitgenommen, um ihr eine kleine Freude zu machen. Ob diese Freude gelungen ist? Definitiv. Wir waren schon beide oft brunchen und finden, dass das bis jetzt zu den besten Lokalen gehört, bei denen wir Brunchen waren. Das Problem war nur, dass wir so gesättigt waren, dass wir kaum noch zum Auto zurück laufen konnten. Wir haben uns wortwörtlich den Bauch vollgeschlagen! 😀 (mehr …)

Welcome to a fake world, welcome to Instagram!

It’s crazy but I can’t imagine waking up or going to bed without checking Instagram before and after. I might have missed something during the day or during the night, right?  Either way I can’t go to bed without watching pictures of those I follow because well.. How can I sleep without them? My life wouldn’t be the same without Instagram. Haha. It’s terrifying how easy you  become addicted to an app like Instagram which doesn’t show you anything than perfection and aloofness. Wow.

I’m on Instagram since more or less 5 years. At the very beginning I was just following friends. Then I started following fitness accounts which drove me crazy after a while because there were just perfect bodies everywhere. Today I’m following fashion bloggers and I catch myself being envious of those who travel the world without paying that much because they’re always invited by hotels and companies. Besides this they always get the prettiest clothes and experience the coolest things. And then I ask myself why I have to work so hard and never will get all of this and why my life’s so dumb..

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Curvy, please!

Wednesday evening, 20.15, RTl 2.

I was in the kitchen having dinner with my mother when I received a message from my boyfriend telling me that after dinner I have to turn on the tv and watch the brand new model show on the German tv called Curvy Supermodel. Well ten minutes later I was in front of the tv when the jury- member Harald Glöckler said: There are too many women out there who hide themselves at home, who feel ashamed of themselves and who don’t dare. And this is a big chance for them and this is what this program stands for.“ 

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London is always a good idea

Before my better half decided to spend two months in London, I have to say, that we were there three years ago and I wasn’t really impressed by it. To me London was a cool city but nothing worth visiting a second time. As soon as he told me that he was going to leave me alone for two months I immediately disliked this city. The tide has turned when I went there for a short visit. I felt downright in love with LDN and you can’t imagine how sad I was leaving this city again (that I was sad leaving my boyfriend for a few more weeks goes without saying ;-)). Well, a positive thing was, that he turned into an insider after just two weeks of being there and so he was able to show me things we didn’t see before. I didn’t only fall in love with some districts but also (an what is more!) with the delicious food. That’s why I start with a list of restaurants you have to visit: (mehr …)

Letter to a 35 years old me

In 12 years, when I will be 35 years old,  I hope to be a mother, a wife and a friend and maybe still a blogger or teacher or both. I don’t know. What I know is that I will hopefully have kids.. Here’s what I now want to tell to the 35 years old me: (mehr …)

Über Katastrophen und Handtaschen

Es gibt zwei (sagen wir mal „öffentliche“) Ereignisse, deren Nachricht mich sehr bewegt hat. Zum Einen ist das 9/11 – ich war schockiert, fassungslos und traurig. Zum Anderen der Tsunami, an der Küste des indischen Ozeans. Klar gibt es noch mehr traurige Ereignisse, aber diese beiden werde ich nie vergessen. Die meisten von euch wissen ja, dass ich ein grosses Herz habe, wenn es darum geht, anderen zu helfen oder anderen wenigstens nachzuempfinden. Das bin nunmal ich. Ich spende nicht gerne, weil ich nie weiss, wohin das Geld geht und direkt vor Ort helfen, dazu hatte ich bisher noch keine Möglichkeit, ziehe es jedoch in Betracht für die Zukunft. Denn leider werden immer wieder schreckliche Ereignisse passieren.

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Was nicht passt, wird passend gemacht

Hat man es doch mal geschafft, eine Hose zu kaufen, die erstens sitzt, zweitens gut aussieht und drittens nicht kneift, dann verlässt sie mich meistens schon nach ein paar wenigen Monaten, weil die Innenseite der Schenkel total verbraucht und kaputt ist. Toll. Dann muss man erneut in die Läden und die Qual der Hosensuche beginnt von vorne. Wer kennt dieses Problem? Ich hatte bis anhin sogar drei Hosen, die ich total mochte und genau deshalb ständig anzog. War ja klar, dass sie irgendwann total verbraucht waren. Also musste ich mich dieses Jahr gleich mehrmals in die Läden begeben, um mir neue Hosen zuzulegen. Ich brauchte mindestens eine blaue Jeans und ein paar schwarze Hosen. Naja, ich habe wiedermal lange gebraucht, um mir zwei superbequeme und supertolle Hosen zu kaufen..

.. aber ich hab’s immerhin geschafft. Ich kenne so viele Frauen, die wie ich, wahnsinnig Mühe haben, die richtige Hose zu finden und habe mich lange gefragt, wieso das so ist. Heute weiss ich es: (mehr …)